Where Do Authors Write Their Books?

There are various places where authors write their books. Writing books can be stressful without the right tools. Thats why it is necessary to use the best writing tools when writing a book. In this article, we have looked into the software authors use to write their books.

What Is an Author?

An author is a person who writes a literary or creative work, such as a novel, poem, essay, or screenplay. They are the creator of the written work and are typically responsible for its content, style, and structure. Authors may be professional writers or hobbyists, and their works may be published or unpublished, depending on their goals and circumstances. Some authors write for personal enjoyment or as a creative outlet, while others write for commercial success or to communicate ideas and information to a wider audience.

How to Become an Author

Becoming an author requires dedication, hard work, and a passion for writing. Here are some steps you can take to become an author:

Read widely: The best way to become a good writer is to read widely. Reading different types of books and authors can help you develop your own writing style and techniques.

Write regularly: Set aside time every day or week to write, even just for a few minutes. The more you practice writing, the better you’ll become.

Join a writing group or take a class: Joining or taking a writing class can provide valuable feedback and support from other writers. You can also learn new writing techniques and get tips on how to improve your work.

Set writing goals: Set achievable writing goals for yourself, such as writing a certain number of words each day or finishing a draft by a specific date.

Edit and revise your work: Once you’ve finished a draft, edit and revise it until you’re happy with it. Get feedback from others and be willing to make changes to improve your work.

Research publishing options: If you want to publish your work, research different publishing options, such as traditional publishing, self-publishing, or hybrid publishing.

Keep learning and growing as a writer: Keep reading, writing, and learning new writing techniques to continue improving your skills and craft.

What Is the Difference Between an Author and a Writer?

The terms “author” and “writer” are often used interchangeably, but there is a subtle difference between the two.

A writer is someone who writes, regardless of whether or not their work is published. Writers may write for personal enjoyment, as a hobby, or as a profession. They may write in a variety of genres and styles, including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, journalism, and more.

An author, on the other hand, is someone who has published a book, article, or other written work. An author is the creator of the written work and is typically responsible for its content, style, and structure. While writers may write for personal enjoyment or as a hobby, authors typically write for a wider audience and may be motivated by commercial success, the desire to communicate ideas and information, or other factors.

Where Do Authors Write Their Books?

Authors can write their books anywhere that is comfortable and conducive to their writing process. Some authors prefer to write in a quiet, private space like a home office, while others prefer to write in public spaces like cafes or libraries. Some authors even write while travelling or on the go, using a laptop or tablet to work from anywhere.

The most important thing is to find a writing environment that works best for the individual author. This may vary depending on factors such as the author’s personality, the type of writing they are working on, and their work schedule.

Where Do Authors Write Their Books

It’s also worth noting that writing a book is a long and often challenging process, and authors may find that their writing environment changes over time. They may start out writing in one place but find that they are more productive or inspired in a different environment. The key is to be open to trying different writing environments and finding what works best for them.

Top Writing Tools Authors Need to Write a Best-Seller Book

There are many tools available to help authors with their writing process. Here are some of the best tools for authors:

Writing software: Writing software like Scrivener, Ulysses, or Google Docs can help authors organize their writing, keep track of research, and make the writing process more efficient.

Grammar and spell-check tools: Grammarly, ProWritingAid, or Hemingway Editor are great tools to help authors catch grammar and spelling errors in their writing.

Research tools: Research tools like Evernote, OneNote, or Zotero can help authors organize their research and keep track of sources.

Writing prompts: Writing prompts like those found on Reddit, Writing Prompts, or Writing Exercises can help inspire authors and break through writer’s block.

Reference materials: Reference materials like the Chicago Manual of Style, Strunk and White’s Elements of Style, or the Oxford English Dictionary can provide valuable information on writing style and grammar rules.

Dictation software: Dictation software like Dragon NaturallySpeaking can help authors write faster and with less strain on their hands and wrists.

A good notebook and pen: Some authors prefer to write by hand, and having a good notebook and pen can make the writing process more enjoyable.

Best Writing Software for Authors

There are several writing software programs available to help authors with their writing process. Here are some of the most popular writing software options:

Microsoft Word: Microsoft Word is the most widely used word processor and is available for both Windows and Mac. It offers basic formatting tools, spell-checks, and the ability to save and share documents.

Scrivener: Scrivener is a writing software program designed for writers of longer works, such as novels, screenplays, or academic papers. It offers advanced outlining, research, and organization tools and is available for both Windows and Mac.

Google Docs: Google Docs is a web-based word processor that allows users to collaborate on documents in real time. It offers basic formatting tools, spell-checks, and the ability to save and share documents.

Hemingway Editor: Hemingway Editor is a web-based writing tool that analyzes writing for readability, grammar, and style. It offers suggestions for simplifying and clarifying text.

Ulysses: Ulysses is a writing software program for Mac and iOS that offers a clean, distraction-free writing environment. It also has advanced organizational tools, including the ability to group documents into a single project.

yWriter: yWriter is a writing software program designed for authors of novels, screenplays, or other longer works. It offers advanced organizational tools, including the ability to track character and plot development.

LibreOffice Writer: LibreOffice Writer is a free, open-source word processor that offers basic formatting tools, spell-check, and the ability to save and share documents.

How to Write a Book in Microsoft Word

Here are some basic steps on how to write a book in Microsoft Word:

Set up the document: Open a new Word document and set the page size, margins, and font size to your preferred settings.

Create a Table of Contents (optional): If your book has chapters, you can create a Table of Contents to make it easier for readers to navigate. Go to the References tab and select “Table of Contents” to choose a format and generate a Table of Contents.

Write your manuscript: Start writing your book by typing the text of your manuscript into the Word document. Use headings, subheadings, and other formatting options to structure your content.

Save your work: Save your work frequently to ensure that you don’t lose any progress. You may also want to create backup copies of your work in case of a computer malfunction or other issues.

Edit and revise your manuscript: Once you’ve finished writing your manuscript, edit and revise it carefully to ensure that it is clear, concise, and free of errors. Use the spelling and grammar checker in Word, or consider using a third-party tool, like Grammarly, to catch any mistakes.

Format your book: Once you’ve edited and revised your manuscript, you’ll need to format it for publication. This may include adjusting font sizes and styles, adding page numbers, and adjusting margins.

Save your manuscript in a final format: Save your manuscript in the final format you plan to use for publication, such as PDF or EPUB.

How to Write a Book in a Google Doc

Writing a book in Google Docs is a straightforward process. Here are the steps you can follow:

Open Google Docs: Go to and log in to your Google account.

Create a new document: Click on the “+” icon in the bottom right corner of the screen, then select “Google Docs.”

Set up your document: Set the font, font size, line spacing, and margins that you want to use for your book.

Start writing: Begin typing your book’s content. You can use the formatting options available in Google Docs to format your text as you go.

Organize your book: Use the “Insert” menu to add headings, subheadings, and page breaks to organize your book into chapters and sections.

Save your work: Save your work frequently by clicking on “File” in the top left corner and selecting “Save” or “Save as.”

Edit and revise: Once you’ve finished your first draft, go back and revise and edit your work as necessary. You can also use Google Docs’ commenting and suggestion features to collaborate with other writers or editors.

Export your book: When your book is complete, you can export it as a Word document, PDF, or other file format by clicking on “File” and selecting “Download” or “Export as.”

How to Write a Book in Scrivener

Here are some basic steps on how to write a book on Scrivener:

Create a new project: Open Scrivener and create a new project. Select the type of project you want to create, such as a novel, screenplay, or non-fiction book.

Organize your project: Use Scrivener’s organizational tools to structure your project. This may include creating folders for chapters, sections, research notes, and character information.

Write your manuscript: Use Scrivener’s writing tools to write your manuscript. You can split your writing into smaller, more manageable sections, or “scrivenings,” and easily move them around as needed.

Add research materials: Import research materials such as images, web pages, or documents into Scrivener to keep them easily accessible while you write.

Edit and revise your manuscript: Once you’ve finished writing your manuscript, use Scrivener’s editing and revision tools to improve your work. You can use the corkboard view to rearrange scenes or chapters or use the built-in spelling and grammar checker to catch errors.

Export your manuscript: Once you’re ready to share or publish your work, use Scrivener’s export tools to convert your manuscript into a final format, such as Word, PDF, or EPUB.


How to Edit a Book Using the Hemingway Editor

Here are some basic steps on how to edit a book using Hemingway Editor:

Open Hemingway Editor: Open Hemingway Editor in your web browser or download and install the desktop app.

Copy and paste your text: Copy and paste the text of your book into Hemingway Editor.

Review your text: Hemingway Editor will highlight areas of your text that could be improved, including complex sentences, adverbs, and passive voice.

Edit your text: Review the highlighted areas and make changes to your text to improve readability and clarity. Hemingway Editor offers suggestions for rephrasing sentences and reducing complex words and phrases.

Check readability statistics: Hemingway Editor provides readability statistics for your text, including the reading level and the average sentence length. Use this information to adjust your writing style as needed.

Repeat the process: After making changes to your text, copy and paste it back into Hemingway Editor to check for further improvements.

Save your edited text: Once you’re satisfied with your edits, save your edited text and use it as the basis for your final draft.


Writing a book can be tedious for first-timers. It is advisable that you take your time and study all the tools and know the one that will be suitable for you based on your schedule. If you like travelling and want to always be with your manuscript, you can consider Google Docs. However, if you are in a remote area where you don’t have access to a network, you can consider Ms Word. Each of the above tools is very good when it comes to writing.

I hope the article was helpful.


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Hi, I'm Benedict. The founder of Bennyselfpublishing Academy. A platform designed to teach people how to write and publish their books online and offline from the comfort of their homes. When I am not writing, I am outside playing football or watching my favorite team Chelsea play.

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