Do I Need a Degree to Be an Author?

This is one of the questions many people ask. Writing a book requires a lot of research which has led to questions about whether someone needs a degree to be an author.

In this article, we answer this most confusing question for authors.
Let’s get started.

Who Is an Author?

An author is an individual who writes books, articles, stories, or other literary works. They are the creators of written content, using their imagination, ideas, and expertise to craft narratives, share knowledge, or express their thoughts and emotions through written words. Authors can be professionals who make a living from their writing, or they can be individuals who write as a hobby or passion.

Authors can specialize in various genres, including fiction (such as novels, short stories, and poetry) or non-fiction (such as biographies, essays, and journalistic pieces). They may write for different audiences and purposes, ranging from entertaining readers with fictional stories to informing readers about specific topics or sharing personal experiences.

Famous examples of authors include William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, J.K. Rowling, Ernest Hemingway, Maya Angelou, and many others who have made significant contributions to the world of literature. However, authors can be found at all levels of writing, from emerging writers publishing their first works to established authors with numerous best-selling books.

Writer vs Author

The terms “writer” and “author” are often used interchangeably, but they can have slightly different connotations depending on the context. Here’s a general distinction between the two:

Writer: A writer is someone who engages in the act of writing. It refers to the action of writing itself, regardless of whether the work is published or widely recognized. A writer can be someone who writes professionally, as a career or occupation, or as a personal pursuit. They may write in various forms, such as books, articles, poetry, or scripts. In essence, being a writer emphasizes the act of writing itself.

Author: An author, on the other hand, is typically associated with published work or recognized authority in the field of writing. An author is someone whose written work has been officially published, whether through a traditional publishing house or self-publishing. They have created original content and have their work available to the public, which establishes them as an author. Being an author often implies a level of accomplishment and recognition for their written works.

In essence, a writer refers to someone engaged in the act of writing, while an author typically denotes someone who has published or made their written work available to the public. However, the terms are not strictly delineated, and their usage can vary depending on the context and individual interpretation.

What Qualifies an Individual to Be Called an Author?

The term “author” typically refers to an individual who has written and published a significant piece of work, such as a book, novel, or substantial body of written content. However, there isn’t a strict set of qualifications or criteria that determine when someone can be officially called an author. It is a relatively broad term that encompasses a range of writing experiences and achievements.

Here are a few common factors that contribute to being recognized as an author:

Written work: An author is someone who has written and created original content, whether it’s a published book, a collection of poems, a series of articles, or any other substantial piece of written material.

Do I Need a Degree to Be an Author

Publication: While not every author needs to be traditionally published, having their work available to the public through publishing houses, literary magazines, online platforms, or self-publishing can be a defining characteristic. Publication helps to share an author’s work with a wider audience and establishes their credibility as a writer.

Recognition: Being acknowledged as an author often involves receiving recognition for their writing. This can come in the form of awards, literary prizes, positive reviews, invitations to literary events or conferences, or critical acclaim from readers and peers.

Intent and commitment: Authors are individuals who have a genuine intent to write and share their ideas, stories, or perspectives. They show a commitment to their craft by consistently engaging in writing, learning, and refining their skills.

It’s important to note that becoming an author is a personal journey, and there is no universal threshold or specific set of achievements that makes someone an author. The term is more fluid and encompasses a wide range of writing experiences and accomplishments. Ultimately, if you identify yourself as a writer and have written and shared your work with an audience, you can consider yourself an author.

Do I Need a Degree to Be an Author?

No, you do not need a degree to become an author. While formal education can provide valuable skills and knowledge, many successful authors have built their careers without a degree in writing or literature. Writing is a creative field where passion, dedication, and practice are often more important than formal credentials. What matters most is your ability to tell compelling stories and connect with readers through your writing.

However, it’s important to note that a degree in a related field, such as creative writing, literature, or English can offer certain advantages. It may provide you with a structured learning environment, exposure to different writing styles and genres, and opportunities to receive feedback from professors and peers.

Additionally, some writing programs may offer networking opportunities with industry professionals or access to writing workshops and resources. But these benefits can also be obtained through other means, such as writing communities, workshops, and self-guided study.

Ultimately, what matters most is your passion for writing, your commitment to improving your craft, and your willingness to learn and grow as an author.

Many successful authors have pursued alternative paths, relying on self-study, reading extensively, engaging with writing communities, and practicing their writing skills consistently. So while a degree can be beneficial, it is not a prerequisite for becoming an author.

How to Become an Author Without a Degree

Having a degree is not a requirement to become an author. Many successful authors have built their careers without formal education in writing or literature. Here are some steps you can take to become an author without a degree:

Read extensively: Aspiring authors should read widely across different genres and styles. Reading helps you understand the mechanics of storytelling, exposes you to different writing techniques, and enhances your vocabulary and writing skills.

Write regularly: Dedicate time to writing consistently. Set aside a specific schedule and make writing a habit. Practice writing short stories, essays, or even journal entries to develop your writing skills and find your unique voice.

Join writing communities: Engage with other writers by joining writing groups, workshops, or critique circles. These communities can provide valuable feedback, support, and opportunities for collaboration. Online platforms, such as writing forums or social media groups, can also connect you with fellow writers and provide resources and advice.

Seek feedback: Share your work with others and seek constructive feedback. Find beta readers, writing partners, or critique groups who can provide insights into your writing strengths and areas for improvement. Feedback from others can help you refine your craft and enhance your storytelling skills.

Attend workshops and conferences: Consider attending writing workshops, seminars, and conferences, even if you don’t have a formal degree. These events often feature experienced authors, literary agents, and publishing professionals who can provide valuable insights and guidance.

Learn from craft books: There are numerous books available on the craft of writing. Explore resources written by established authors or writing instructors to learn about story structure, character development, dialogue, and other essential elements of writing. These books can serve as a self-guided education in writing.

Develop your author platform: Build an online presence as an author by creating a website or blog. Share your writing journey, insights, and tips. Engage with readers and other writers through social media platforms. A strong online presence can help you connect with your audience and potentially attract the attention of agents or publishers.

Consider self-publishing: With advancements in technology, self-publishing has become a viable option for many authors. Platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing and Barnes and Noble Press allow you to publish your work independently. Research and familiarize yourself with the self-publishing process, including editing, formatting, cover design, and marketing strategies.

Submit your work to literary agents and publishers: If you decide to pursue traditional publishing, research literary agents and publishers who accept unsolicited manuscripts. Craft a compelling query letter and follow their submission guidelines. Be prepared for rejections, as they are a common part of the publishing journey. Persistence and perseverance are essential qualities for authors.

Keep learning and evolving: Writing is a continuous learning process. Stay curious and open to improving your craft. Attend writing workshops, read craft books, and stay updated on industry trends. Embrace feedback and keep refining your writing skills.

Do I Need a Degree to Publish a Book?

No, you do not need a degree to publish a book. Publishing a book is not dependent on formal education or having a degree. While a degree in a related field such as creative writing or literature can offer certain advantages, it is not a requirement for getting a book published.

Publishing a book typically involves two main routes: traditional publishing and self-publishing.

Traditional Publishing: In traditional publishing, you submit your manuscript to publishing houses or literary agents who review and potentially choose to publish your work. While having a degree might not be a prerequisite, publishers often look for well-written and compelling manuscripts. They consider factors such as marketability, potential readership, and the quality of the writing. If a publisher finds your work engaging, they may offer you a publishing contract, taking care of the editing, design, distribution, and marketing aspects of the book.

Self-publishing: Self-publishing allows you to independently publish your book without going through a traditional publishing house. Platforms like Amazon KDP and Rakuten Kobo, and others provide tools and resources to help authors format a book, publish, and distribute their books.

With self-publishing, you retain creative control and responsibility for various aspects of the publishing process, including editing, cover design, and marketing.

Regardless of the publishing route you choose, the quality of your writing, storytelling, and the marketability of your book are crucial factors. While a degree can provide knowledge and skills, it is not a determining factor in the publishing industry.

Do I Need a Degree to Become A  Writer?

No, you do not need a degree to become a writer. Writing is a creative pursuit that relies more on skill, practice, and passion than formal education. Many successful writers have built their careers without having a degree in writing or literature.

What matters most in becoming a writer is:

Writing regularly: Dedicate time to writing consistently. The more you practice, the more you can develop and refine your writing skills.

Reading widely: Read extensively across different genres and styles to expand your knowledge, improve your vocabulary, and gain insights into different storytelling techniques.

Seeking feedback: Share your work with others, such as fellow writers, critique groups, or beta readers. Constructive feedback can help you identify areas for improvement and offer fresh perspectives on your writing.

Studying the craft: While a degree is not required, you can still study the craft of writing through various means. Read books on writing, take online writing courses, attend workshops or conferences, and learn from experienced writers.

Building a writing community: Engage with other writers through writing groups, workshops, or online communities. Connecting with fellow writers can provide support, inspiration, and valuable feedback.

Persistence and perseverance: Writing can be a challenging journey, but persistence is key. Keep writing, even when faced with rejections or setbacks. Learn from each experience and continue to grow as a writer.

Do I Need a Degree to Become a Freelance Writer?

No, you do not need a degree to become a freelance writer. Freelance writing is a profession that primarily relies on your writing skills, experience, and ability to meet client needs. While a degree in writing or a related field can be beneficial and may provide you with foundational knowledge and credentials, it is not a strict requirement.

Here are some steps you can take to become a freelance writer without a degree:

Develop your writing skills: Focus on improving your writing abilities through regular practice. Write consistently and seek opportunities to expand your writing portfolio.

Build a diverse portfolio: Create a portfolio of your best writing samples to showcase your skills and versatility. Include a range of writing styles, such as articles, blog posts, case studies, or any other relevant pieces.

Specialize or identify niches: Consider specializing in specific niches or industries where you have knowledge or expertise. This can help you stand out to potential clients looking for writers with subject matter expertise.

Network and build connections: Connect with other writers, editors, and professionals in the industry. Attend writing conferences or join online writing communities to network and learn from others.

Start small and gain experience: Begin by taking on smaller freelance writing projects to gain experience and build your reputation. Look for opportunities on freelance job boards, content mills, or by reaching out to local businesses or websites in need of content.

Develop a professional online presence: Create a website or blog to showcase your writing services, portfolio, and contact information. Use social media platforms to engage with potential clients and build your online presence.

Market yourself: Develop a marketing strategy to promote your services as a freelance writer. Utilize online platforms, such as LinkedIn or freelance job websites, to find writing opportunities and connect with potential clients.

Deliver quality work and meet deadlines: Maintain professionalism and deliver high-quality writing on time. Building a reputation for reliability and excellence can lead to repeat clients and positive referrals.



In the article above, you can see that you don’t need a degree to become an author. All you need is the passion to write your book. However, if you have the opportunity to further your education, don’t fail to do so.

I hope the article was helpful.

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Hi, I'm Benedict. The founder of Bennyselfpublishing Academy. A platform designed to teach people how to write and publish their books online and offline from the comfort of their homes. When I am not writing, I am outside playing football or watching my favorite team Chelsea play.

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