Are Books Double Spaced? – How to Format a Book

Formatting a book makes the book to be appealing to readers. Also, it makes the book to be easy to read and understand. In this article, we look into how to format a book from A – Z. We also look into major things to consider when formatting a book for publishing online.

Let’s get started.

What Is Book Formatting?

Book formatting refers to the process of preparing a manuscript for publication in book form. It involves arranging and structuring the content of a book in a visually appealing and readable manner. Book formatting includes elements such as page layout, font selection, line spacing, margins, chapter headings, page numbering, and overall design.

Here are some key aspects of book formatting:

Page Size: Determining the size of the book, such as standard trade paperback, hardcover, or a specific custom size.

Margins: Setting the margins of the pages, which affect the white space around the text.

Font and Typography: Choosing an appropriate font type, size, and style for the text. This includes selecting fonts for headings, subheadings, and body text.

Line Spacing: Adjusting the space between lines of text to improve readability. Common choices include single spacing, 1.5 spacing, or double spacing.

Paragraph Indentation: Determining the indentation style for paragraphs, such as first-line indentation or block paragraphs with no indentation.

Chapter Headings: Formatting chapter titles and subheadings consistently throughout the book. This may involve choosing font styles, sizes, and positioning.

Page Numbers: Adding page numbers to the book, usually at the bottom or top of the page. Placement can vary, such as centered, outer or inner margins.

Headers and Footers: Including headers (information at the top of each page) and footers (information at the bottom of each page), such as book title, author name, or chapter title.

Images and Illustrations: Placing and formatting images, illustrations, graphs, charts, or tables within the text. Ensuring they are appropriately positioned and labeled.

Table of Contents: Creating a table of contents that lists the book’s chapters and their corresponding page numbers.

Pagination: Ensuring proper page breaks, particularly for chapters or sections, to maintain consistent flow and readability.

Consistent Styling: Applying consistent formatting throughout the book, including headings, font styles, spacing, and other design elements.

Book formatting can be done using software tools like Microsoft Word, Adobe InDesign, or specialized book formatting software. Self-publishing platforms and services also offer formatting options to help authors prepare their manuscripts for print or digital publishing.

How to Format a Book in Microsoft Word

To format a book in Microsoft Word, you can follow these general steps:

Page Setup:

Open a new Word document.

Go to the “Page Layout” tab in the Word toolbar.

Set the page size for your book under the “Size” option. Choose a standard size or enter custom dimensions.

Adjust the margins by selecting “Margins” and choosing the desired margin settings. Consider the requirements of your publisher or printer.

Font and Typography:

Select the text you want to format or use the “Select All” command (Ctrl+A) to format the entire document.

Choose appropriate fonts for your book’s body text and headings. Go to the “Home” tab and use the font drop-down menus to make your selections.

Set the font size for the body text and headings. Ensure legibility and consider the aesthetic appeal.

Apply any other desired font formatting options, such as bold, italic, underline, or different colors.

Are Books Double Spaced

Paragraph Formatting:

Adjust the line spacing by selecting the text and going to the “Paragraph” section of the “Home” tab. Choose options like single, 1.5, or double spacing.

Set the indentation style for paragraphs. Choose either first-line indentation or block paragraphs without indentation. Go to the “Paragraph” section and adjust the indentation options.

Consider other paragraph formatting elements, such as alignment (left, center, right, or justified) and spacing before and after paragraphs.

Headers, Footers, and Page Numbers:

Go to the “Insert” tab and select “Header” or “Footer” to add headers or footers to your document.

Customize the headers and footers by adding book titles, chapter names, or page numbers. Use the options available in the header and footer editing mode.

To add page numbers, go to the “Insert” tab, click on “Page Number,” and choose the desired placement and format.

Chapter Headings and Formatting:

Define and format chapter headings consistently throughout the book.

Select a heading style that differentiates the chapter titles from the body text.

Use the “Styles” section in the “Home” tab to apply heading styles. Customize the appearance of the styles by modifying font, size, and spacing.

Table of Contents:

Create a table of contents for your book to help readers navigate the content easily.

Go to the location where you want to insert the table of contents.

Click on the “References” tab and select “Table of Contents.” Choose from the available table of contents styles. That’s how to add clickable table of content.

Images and Illustrations:

Insert images, illustrations, graphs, charts, or tables into your document.

Position the images appropriately within the text flow.

Resize and align the images as needed. Right-click on the image and use the formatting options available.

Save and Review:

Save your formatted book regularly to avoid losing your progress.

Review the document to ensure consistency, proper formatting, and readability.

Make any necessary adjustments and edits before finalizing your manuscript.

Best Font to Use in a Book

Choosing the best font for a book depends on several factors, including the genre of the book, its intended audience, and personal preference. However, there are some widely used and recommended fonts for book typography. Here are a few popular choices:

Serif Fonts:

Garamond: Known for its elegance and readability, Garamond is a classic serif font often used in books, particularly for literary works.

Times New Roman: This widely available font offers a clean and professional look. It is commonly used in books, newspapers, and academic publications.

Georgia: Designed specifically for on-screen reading, Georgia is a versatile serif font that works well in both print and digital formats.

Sans-Serif Fonts:

Arial: A widely used sans-serif font, Arial is known for its simplicity and readability. It is often used in textbooks and informational books.

Verdana: Another font designed for on-screen readability, Verdana has generous spacing and clear letterforms, making it suitable for long reading sessions.

Calibri: Calibri is a modern and clean sans-serif font that offers excellent legibility, making it a popular choice for books, especially in non-fiction genres.

Custom Fonts:

Adobe Caslon Pro: A versatile serif font with a touch of elegance, Adobe Caslon Pro is often favored for books with a classic or historical theme.

Baskerville: Baskerville is a timeless serif font known for its clarity and readability. It works well in both print and digital formats.

Sabon: Sabon is a well-balanced serif font that combines classic and contemporary elements. It is often used for novels and poetry collections.

When choosing a font for your book, consider the following tips:

Prioritize readability: Opt for fonts that are easy to read and don’t strain the eyes, especially for long reading sessions.

Maintain consistency: Use the same font throughout the book, ensuring consistency in headings, body text, and other elements.

Test it out: Print a few sample pages or create a digital mockup to see how the font looks in various sizes and formats.

Consider genre and audience: Different fonts may be more suitable for specific genres or target audiences. For example, a font choice for a children’s book may differ from that of a technical manual.


Are Books Double Spaced?

Books are generally not double spaced. Double spacing is more commonly used in draft manuscripts or academic papers to allow space for comments, edits, and revisions. Once a book is ready for publication, it typically undergoes formatting adjustments that include single spacing for the main body text.

Single spacing in books refers to the standard practice of using a consistent amount of space between lines of text. The specific line spacing may vary slightly depending on the font, size, and design choices, but it is typically set to provide an optimal reading experience without excessive gaps between lines.

While double spacing is not typically used in the final printed version of a book, it may be used in specific cases, such as poetry collections or certain types of illustrated books, where extra space between lines is intentional for artistic or aesthetic purposes. However, for most fiction and non-fiction books, single spacing is the norm.

What Is the Best Layout to Use in a Book?

The best layout for a book depends on several factors, including the genre, content, and target audience of the book. However, there are some general principles and layout considerations that can help create a visually appealing and reader-friendly design. Here are some key factors to consider:

Margins: Adequate margins provide breathing space for the text, making the book more visually balanced and comfortable to read. Margins also allow for annotations or notes to be added by readers. Generally, a margin width of at least 0.75 inches (1.9 cm) is recommended.

Font Selection: Choose a legible font for the body text that is easy on the eyes. Serif fonts (such as Garamond, Times New Roman, or Georgia) are commonly used for printed books due to their readability, while sans-serif fonts (such as Arial or Verdana) are often used for digital reading. The font size should be large enough to ensure comfortable reading without straining the eyes.

Line Spacing: Proper line spacing (leading) is crucial for readability. A line spacing of around 120-145% of the font size is generally recommended. This helps prevent lines from being too crowded or too widely spaced apart.

Paragraph Indentation: Use consistent paragraph indentation or block paragraphs without indentation, depending on the design preference and book style. First-line indentation (around 0.3-0.5 inches or 0.75-1.25 cm) is commonly used in fiction books, while block paragraphs are often seen in non-fiction books.

Chapter Headings: Clearly distinguish chapter headings from the body text to help readers navigate through the book. Consider using larger font sizes, different font styles (e.g., bold or italic), or varying colors to distinguish chapter headings.

Page Numbers: Place page numbers consistently and unobtrusively, typically at the bottom or top outer corners of the page. Ensure that they are legible and do not interfere with the text or other elements.

Images and Illustrations: Incorporate images, illustrations, graphs, or charts in a way that enhances the content and complements the text. Ensure that they are appropriately positioned, labeled, and have sufficient resolution for clear reproduction.

Consistency and Alignment: Maintain consistent styling throughout the book, including headings, font styles, spacing, and alignment. Ensure alignment is consistent within elements such as paragraphs, headings, and captions.

White Space: Utilize appropriate white space (blank areas) within the layout to create visual breaks, improve readability, and give the design a balanced and uncluttered look. White space helps readers focus on the content and prevents the layout from feeling overwhelming.

Is It Necessary to Insert Page Break in a Book?

Yes, inserting page breaks in a book is necessary and important for maintaining the desired layout and structure of the content. Page breaks ensure that each chapter or section begins on a new page, preventing text from flowing continuously from one page to another.

Here are a few reasons why page breaks are necessary in a book:

Chapter Separation: Page breaks are essential to visually separate chapters or sections. Starting each chapter on a new page helps readers identify the beginning of a new section and provides a clear transition between different parts of the book.

Visual Appeal: Page breaks contribute to the overall visual appeal and readability of the book. They help create a well-organized and structured layout, allowing readers to navigate through the book easily.

Design Considerations: Page breaks enable designers to control the positioning of text, images, and other elements within the layout. They help ensure that the content is appropriately positioned and avoids awkward or unintended text wrapping or image placement.

Printing and Formatting: When preparing a book for print, page breaks play a vital role in formatting the content correctly. They help determine the pagination, ensuring that the book is printed with the desired layout and sequence of pages.

eBook Conversion: Page breaks are also relevant when converting a book into an electronic format like an eBook. They help define the structure of the digital book, allowing for proper navigation and formatting when viewed on different devices.

To insert a page break in Microsoft Word, you can place the cursor at the desired location and use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + Enter” or go to the “Insert” tab and click on the “Page Break” option. This will create a new page starting from that point.

Is It Necessary to Insert a Clickable Table of Content in a Book?

Inserting a clickable table of contents (TOC) in a book, especially in digital formats like eBooks, is highly recommended. While it may not be necessary for every type of book or publication, having a clickable TOC offers several benefits for readers and enhances the overall reading experience.

Here are some reasons why it is often considered beneficial:

Easy Navigation: A clickable TOC allows readers to quickly navigate to specific sections or chapters of the book. By clicking on the entries in the TOC, readers can directly jump to the desired location without scrolling or manually searching through the pages.

User-Friendly Experience: A clickable TOC improves the user-friendliness of digital books. It enables readers to move seamlessly through the content, similar to using hyperlinks on web pages. This feature is particularly valuable in eBooks, where readers often rely on digital navigation tools.

Accessibility: A clickable TOC enhances accessibility for readers with disabilities or those using assistive technologies. It provides an efficient way to navigate the book’s content, making it easier for visually impaired individuals or users with mobility challenges to access specific sections.

Reference and Review: A clickable TOC facilitates referencing and reviewing content. Readers can easily revisit chapters, sections, or specific topics of interest by navigating through the TOC, allowing for efficient studying, research, or quick recap.

Professional Presentation: Including a clickable TOC in your book demonstrates a professional approach to formatting and presentation. It shows that you have taken care to provide a user-friendly reading experience, particularly in the digital format.

Is It Compulsory To Add Page Numbers in a Book?

Yes, it is generally recommended to include page numbers in a book. Page numbers serve several important purposes and provide benefits for both readers and the overall structure of the book.

Here are some reasons why including page numbers is beneficial:

Navigation and Reference: Page numbers help readers navigate through the book easily. They provide a point of reference that readers can use to locate specific sections, chapters, or content within the book. Page numbers enable readers to quickly find and revisit particular passages, refer to specific information, or cite sources.

Consistency and Structure: Page numbers contribute to the overall structure and organization of the book. They establish a consistent format and sequence, allowing readers to follow the progression of the content. Page numbers help maintain the logical flow of the book and assist readers in understanding the book’s layout and structure.

Cross-Referencing and Indexing: Page numbers play a crucial role in cross-referencing and indexing. They enable the creation of a comprehensive index, which allows readers to locate specific terms, concepts, or topics by referring to the corresponding page numbers. In academic or non-fiction books, indexes are often considered essential for easy reference.

Academic and Professional Expectations: Including page numbers is considered a standard practice in academic and professional publications. When your book is used for research, study, or scholarly purposes, page numbers are necessary for proper citation, referencing, and maintaining scholarly conventions.

Printing and Formatting: Page numbers are crucial for formatting the book correctly, especially when preparing it for print. They ensure that the pages are sequenced accurately and allow for proper alignment and layout of the content during the printing process.

Is It Necessary to Format Headings When Writing a Book?

Yes, formatting headings is important when writing a book. Headings serve as visual markers that help organize and structure your content, making it easier for readers to navigate and understand your book. Properly formatted headings enhance readability and create a logical hierarchy within your text.


Formatting a book can be stressful. Most especially when you are doing it for the first time. The main thing you need when formatting a book is patience and perseverance. With that, you will take it step by step until you achieve your desired result. Following the above tips will help you to format your book easily. I hope the article was helpful.


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Hi, I'm Benedict. The founder of Bennyselfpublishing Academy. A platform designed to teach people how to write and publish their books online and offline from the comfort of their homes. When I am not writing, I am outside playing football or watching my favorite team Chelsea play.

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